(Natural News)
A volcanic eruption that occurred on April 10, 2021, at the Sheveluch volcano in Russia is spreading toxic sulfur dioxide all around the world, which David DuByne says is contributing to global crop failures.
Appearing on a recent episode of the Health Ranger Report, DuByne unpacked what took place on April 10 and how it is impacting food production all around the world.
“We’re starting to see sulfur dioxide spinning around the Northern Hemisphere, around 60 degrees north latitude, but it’s being caught up in the polar easterlies causing spinning and cavitation in the atmosphere,” DuByne explained.
“And that is going to wind its way all around the Arctic Circle, and the dome of our planet will be covered with sulfur dioxide for the next year and a half.”
Be sure to watch the full interview from Brighteon.com below:
(Related: Check out this U.S. patent outlining a “toxic mosquito aerial” chemtrails program.)
Sulfur dioxide is the same chemical the globalists are using to “dim” the sun and stop “global warming”
The clouds that drive most of the world’s weather patterns are now carrying around this sulfur dioxide, depositing it all over the place, including on crop fields.
“This eruption occurred right at 60 degrees north latitude, which is really interesting because it’s at that conversion zone of two different cloud cells,” DuByne said.
“So what we have is the polar easterlies are going to be ripping to the east, obviously. And then what we consider to be regular weather that most across from west to east in its pattern are right at that conversion zone. So what we are seeing is a lot of twisting into the atmosphere, and with the sulfur dioxide it’s becoming very, very pronounced.”
Put simply, the more these weather conversion zones mix and twist, the more all that sulfur dioxide will be uniformly spread throughout the world’s weather patterns. In the next four months, DuByne says, it should be “a lot more uniform around the top of our planet.”
Keep in mind that sulfur dioxide is the same chemical that the globalists are artificially blasting from airplanes in the form of “chemtrails” or geoengineering. It is a sun-“dimming” technique that the climate brigade claims will help to “cool” the planet by blocking out natural sunlight.
Volcanic eruptions also naturally produce sulfur dioxide. And in this case, the Sheveluch eruption has blasted lots and lots of sulfur dioxide at just the right latitude to insert these chemicals into the world’s various weather patterns.
What this means, of course, is that sulfur dioxide is being spread everywhere. And it will continue to spread in the months and years to come, causing problems wherever too much of it accumulates.
“Just in the last two weeks, we’ve had three major eruptions that above 50,000 feet, you are going to get regional cooling,” DuByne explained about how there have been multiple major volcanic eruptions recently.
“So now we’re combining all these different atmospheric effects from several different effects of major proportions over the last year and a half. It’s culminating, it’s actually really starting to blend in and amplify on itself, one effect amplifying the next.”
Between the sulfur dioxide and all the water vapor that these eruptions have created, there is going to be a substantial blocking of the sun, which in addition to causing a “cooling” effect will also deny food crops of the normal amount of sunlight they need for photosynthesis.
Be sure to watch the full interview above to learn more.
More related news about the chemicals being sprayed in the skies can be found at Geoengineering.news.
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